Association of women entrepreneurs UNIKUM-kos announces a competitive tender with reference number CB006.1.31.083/12-05/1 for Organization of FEMTERPRISE entrepreneurial training (5 days) and entrepreneurial & networking workshop (3 days)

083-TENDER documents & workshopAssociation of women entrepreneurs UNIKUM-kos announces a competitive tender with reference number CB006.1.31.083/12-05/1 for Organization of FEMTERPRISE entrepreneurial training (5 days) and entrepreneurial & networking workshop (3 days) under the project “FEMTERPRISE – Fostering the creation of social enterprises by strengthening the entrepreneurial potential of young women”, with the financial assistance from the   INTERREG – IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria-the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014TC16I5CB006 -2015-1.
The tender dossier is available for downloading here:  083-TENDER documents & workshop  , as well as on the INTERREG – IPA CBC Programme official website , Section Public tenderers.


Deadline for submission of tenderers – May 18, 2017 at 15:00 local time.

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